– After being a 100% Proof of Stake (PoS) currency, environmentally friendly thanks to minimal energy consumption, the Afro is since February 1, 2022 a Proof of Authority (POA) currency redesigned on the Binance smartchain.
– Our team of developers has adapted the blockchain to AFRO’s specifications.
– AFRO’s blockchain, then and now, makes using crypto-currencies fast, simple and secure. In particular, the technology allows for payments at real-world points of sale, supporting millions of simultaneous instant transactions.
– AFRO is a fully transparent crypto-currency, as every wallet-to-wallet transaction is recorded in the blockchain and is visible to all.
– An amount of 750 billion Afros was issued on June 19, 2018, which correlates with the continent’s GDP, and a symbolic equivalent of 600 Afros per African inhabitant. Because the old Stash blockchain allowed the creation of MasterNodes, these generated speculative Afros, which will no longer be the case. In order to clean up this outdated mechanism, a provisional number of Afros has been issued in addition to the original 750 billion. The total number of Afros will obviously be reduced once the SWAP (1 Afro = 1 new Afro) is completed.
– The Afro Crypto-Currency prides itself on its total transparency and the role it is about to play in the humanitarian project of the Afro Foundation, as part of the funds generated will be allocated to sponsorship.
-The Afro Crytpo-Currency is designed to include the Tobin tax
Funds and distribution
Out of the 750 billion Afros originally issued:
– 80% are reserved for African countries, through the AFRO Foundation. ( 500 billions )
– 5% are dedicated to the AfroTech Company, which is in charge of the development, maintenance, and security of AFRO, as well as the development of all related applications and their derivatives, including secure payments, using the prepaid voucher system, debit cards, SIM cards, and web wallets. The company is also in charge of AFRO’s promotion, marketing and communication tasks.
– 15% are dedicated to the Founders and the team of developers who have been funding and driving the project since 2016.
Purchasing and trading AFRO
There has not been and will not be an ICO for AFRO. The decision was made to list AFRO at the price considered low in order to protect the interests of investors and in view of AFRO’s long-term benefits.
A private sale of AFRO coins was conducted from June 2018 to September 2018 to fund the launch of AFRO.
AFRO is already listed and traded on the following exchanges: Crex24, Golix, and the giant Digifinex. Currently in negotiations with Cryptopia, and will soon apply to be listed on Ice3X, NairaEx, Remitan, Belfrics, CoinDirect,, CryptoBridge, Bittrex, Poloniex, Binance. Eventually, Afro’s ambition is to be listed on Binance exchange, the number one in the sector.
The roadmap
- December 2016
The first meeting of the founders and personalities of Africa was realized and the decision was made to create a pan-African currency based on blockchain.
The founders of the AFRO Foundation decided to recruit a trusted team to represent them and lead the project.
- 2017
A year of creating a 100% green blockchain, Proof of Stake (POS) based on “Dash” technology.
- March 2018
AFRO Foundation’s manifesto and memorandum are signed.
- May 2018
The Windows wallet and Masternodes are fully developed. ( Masternodes are no longer
relevant )
- June 2018
June 19, 2018 750 billion Afros issued.
June 20, 2018 private sale begins.
June 27, 2018 AFRO website launched.
- August 2018
Listed on (now Stex) and Crex24. Decision was recently made to leave Stex for security reasons.
- September 2018
Creation of the Mac portfolio.
Creationof the paper portfolio.
- October 2018
October 1, 2018 AFRO MasterNode awards begin.
Listing on and
Development of prepaid voucher system to recharge AFRO wallet and mobile roaming SIM cards.
- December 2018
Secure universal voting system in MasterNodes to be presented.
Release of the IOS wallet.
- January 2019
In January 2019, AFRO signed major philanthropic partnerships to improve everyday life on the continent. These partnerships are described in paragraph #1.
- February 2019
Online staking portfolio specifically designed for the needs of the African continent: most users have Android smartphones. Not having access to a PC/Mac, they asked us to create an online staking portfolio.
Development of the AFRO distribution network to serve the local economy (pharmacies, mobile services).
- March 2019
Media promotion of AFRO to be recognized as a global currency.
More than 600 articles were published in the African press.
Interviews were broadcast on LCI, BBC and other international media.
- 2020
Distribution of Anto-covid masks and hand sanitizers in Africa with the French health leader NOVOMED.
- 2021
First contract signed for the use of a blockchain by a government: Contract signed with the government of Ivory Coast for the use of AFRO’s blockchain by La Poste CI.
Negotiations at the highest level are underway with several African countries, – names to be announced – through high-ranking partners who understand the interest of such a project for the continent.
A major oil company is considering calling on the Afro Foundation to deploy a payment method using the AFRO blockchain for both inventory management and fuel distribution and payment. The AFRO would be one of the currencies used in this framework.
A professional social network of the continent’s talents has contracted with AFRO for payment of services exchanged on their platform.
The terms of the SWAP to the new AFRO was legally announced on BitcoinTalk, the “official newspaper” of the cryptocurrency world.
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The new version of Afro will be used in accordance with the 5 fundamental principles of Islamic finance in force on the continent and will promote the contractual modes allowed by Islam. The Afro would thus become the first halal Crypto currency in use on the African continent.
Given the success of the use of the Afro blockchain by the Ivory Coast post office, several African countries have approached the foundation to set up a similar system, as part of a desire to protect health during the pandemic.
The Founders’ Committee.
AFRO is a collaborative project led by a number of personalities linked to Africa by birth, family origin or personal commitment to the continent, reflecting the cultural and geographical diversity of Africa. Other personalities have recently joined the project.
The Founders’ Committee is the body that brings together these personalities, who share their vision and skills.
It is composed of dozens of members, and is enriched each month by new members designated by the existing members:
Economists, researchers, political scientists, writers, lawyers, philosophers, academics, entrepreneurs, artists, engineers, specialists in the field of digital and computer technologies, communication.
Each member of the Founders’ Committee is free to reveal himself or herself later, depending on his or her personal decision, obligations and agenda.
Spokespersons are authorized to represent the Foundation and to speak on its behalf and are available according to the topics to be discussed.
AFRO’s technical and development team has extensive experience and proven expertise in the field of crypto and has already successfully launched several other crypto-currencies. This team, which also managed the Masternodes of many investors, is bound by a strict confidentiality agreement and is not intended to appear.
A spokesperson representing the technical team is nevertheless available for any questions.
Join the AFRO Foundation community:
Download our wallet:
Email: [email protected]
Download AFRO wallet and start receiving interest.
Participate in the life and security of the network and receive up to 99% interest per year in AFRO.
Become a decision maker of the NGO.
Use our paper wallet, not linked to internet, to protect your Afros.
Play your role in the development of the continent.

With our upcoming Mobile App you will be able to pay mobile to mobile.